1. Hey girls! I have the same question as Antonio. I want to do Syyllinen Syli with my choir. How can I get a copy of this piece?

    1. Hi Maartje! For Syyllinen Syli (part 1) I’ve transcribed myself the sheet music. If you wish a copy, please, send me an email (antoniocelsoribeiro@gmail.com) and I gladly send you a pdf.

      1. ‘morning , Mr Ribeiro : I’m a french choral conductor and my girls love this song and would like to sing it this year … could I hope you bring us ??? thank you very much !!!

  2. Dear Värttinä,
    please send me and my friend Laura
    2 pictures with your orginal signature
    in front of and a personal dedication.
    We hope and wait for your answer.
    Thank you very much before.
    Mary Chrismas and a happy new year.
    Many greetings from Hamburg send
    Laura and Thomas.

    Thomas Berger
    Wohldorfer Strasse 27
    D – 22081 Hamburg

    1. Hallo Thomas,
      ich habe Deinen Wunsch heute, 24.12.20, an Susan weiter geleitet. Habe Deinen Komentar erst heute entdeckt. Wünsch Euch erholsame Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr.Und hoffe, dass die Värttinä-Ladies Euch die Fotos bald schicken.

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